Introduction to Partial Differential Equations (MAA 510)

The course “Introduction to Partial Differential Equations” provides students with a solid foundation in the theory of partial differential equations (PDEs). A PDE describes a function of multiple variables in terms of an equation on its partial derivatives. PDEs play a fundamental role in various fields: especially physics, but also economics and stochastics.

In this course we will

  1.  Explore different types of PDEs of the first and second order (linear/non-linear; elliptic, parabolic, hyperbolic) through the use of important examples: transport equation, Burgers equation, Laplace equation, heat equation, wave equation. Emphasis will be given to how PDEs differ from single-variable differential equations (ODE/dynamical systems) and from one another.
  2.  Use a variety of methods to solve PDEs: characteristics, fundamental solutions, Fourier analysis, separation and spectral analysis, coordinate transformations. These will lead to explicit formulae of example PDEs, as well as familarise students with the use of these methods in general.
  3. Study boundary and initial value problems: Students will see how  boundary value problems and initial value problems restrict and shape the possible solutions of PDEs, and the strengths and limitations of their use as models of real-word phenomena.

This course should give students a firm basis for other course offered, such as Partial Differential Equations and Numerics of PDEs, as well as a variety of seminars.


There are two lectures and one tutorial per week. Weekly exercise sheets are graded, and a minimum of 50% of the points are needed to gain entry to the exam (Zulassung). The final exam will be conducted orally.

The course will be conducted in English but I do not want language to be barrier to this course; if you are not comfortable in English, talk to me and we can make an arrangement. In particular, you can write your weekly exercise sheets and take the final exam in either English or German.

This course is suitable for both Bachelor and Master students. Students should have a solid background in analysis (Analysis I and II). It is a bonus if you have already taken Dynamical Systems but we only occasionally need to solve ODEs in this course (mostly in Chapter 1). There is a small amount of linear algebra, but this will be revised in the first tutorial.

Please feel free to contact me, Dr Ross Ogilvie, if you have any questions about the course via email . My office hour is after the lecture on Wednesday. My office is in B6 Bauteil C (the one with the blue door), Level 4, Room C407, or just walk back with me after the lecture. If you have a particular question, I would appreciate if you sent me an email ahead of time: some of your questions are really tricky and I have to think about them!

The exams will take place on 16th December 2024 and 3rd February 2024. Specific time slots will be organised by email closer to the exam. Exam consultation (for last minute questions) will also be announced closer to the exam.


Lectures and tutorials will take place in A 101 Kleiner Hörsaal B 6, 23–25 Bauteil A.

Monday, 15:30 – 17:00, Wednesday 13:45 – 15:15

Script (updated 9.12.24)

Chapter 1

Inhomogeneous transport equation

Burger's equation characteristics and solution graph

Rankine's poem

Chapter 2

Some mathematical physics. The problem of whether newtonian gravity has “nonsense” solutions is called the Painlevé conjecture (even though it's now solved). I couldn't find an animation of the configuration; let me know if you find one. Here is a talk by the discoverer of the first 4-body configuration with non-collision singularities. These are ODE systems, but again show that even a well-understood and long studied model of physics can have strange impossible behaviour. I also mentioned the Yang-Mills mass gap problem as another example where physicists have a model that they think describes the world, but its mathematical properties are unproven.

The divergence theorem is a theorem that appears at different levels of generality:

And there are even more generalisations, which handle non-smooth boundaries (by Whitney and Federer, among others). In a different direction altogether, it is also the idea behind Cauchy's theorem in complex analysis, which leads to Cauchy's integral formula, Cauchy-Pompeiu formula, and a whole slew of other named formulas.

Functions with compact support

Chapter 3

Spherical test functions

Integrals of test functions

A Green's function is a model of a Faraday cage

Green's function of the unit ball

The test functions used in Section 3.5

Chapter 4

Special solutions to the heat equation

Monster solution

Fundamental solution

Maximum principle

A short time existing solution

Lecture videos for Weeks 10 and 11

Here is a list to the playlist of the videos.

In Week 10 you should watch up to Theorem 4.12 in Section 4.3. We have already covered part of Section 4.1.

In Week 11 you should watch the remainder of Chapter 4.

In case it is hard to read the screen in the video, or if you find I scroll the screen around too much, I also have the “board” as a pdf:

Sections 3.5,   4.0,  4.1,  4.2,  4.3,  4.4,  4.5

Chapter 5

Examples of Waves

Modes of a Square Drum

Kowalevski top

D'Alembert's Formula

Reflected Wave Video

Weierstrass Example of the Dirichlet Principle


Time: Mondays 13:45 -15:15

The first tutorial will take place on Monday 2nd September, i.e. before the first lecture, but only handle background material (multivariable calculus aka Analysis II, contour diagrams, index notation).

A minimum of 50% of the exercise points is necessary to be admitted to the exam. Please email your exercises to before Monday 9:00 on the day of the tutorial, so I (Ross) can mark them and give feedback. The first exercise sheet (the one for the background tutorial) has no points. So, for example, do Sheet 2 and email it to me by 9am on Monday 9th September; we will discuss it that afternoon.

Exercise Sheets:

Sheet 1Solutions

Sheet 2Solutions

Sheet 3SolutionsEx 9a, Ex 9c, Variant of 9c

Sheet 4SolutionsEx 10, Ex 11, Shock wave, Water shock wave

Sheet 5Solutions

Sheet 6SolutionsConvolution

Sheet 7SolutionsHarmonic Polynomials

Sheet 8Solutions

Sheet 9SolutionsGreen's function for half plane

Sheet 10SolutionsTutorial Whiteboard

Sheet 11SolutionsTutorial Whiteboard

Sheet 12SolutionsExercises 35 and 36, Non-zero boundary condition, Method of Images

Sheet 13SolutionsPlane Wave, Spherical Wave

Sheet 14Solutions2D wave solution, Energy of wave modes

All Sheets in one pdf – All Solutions