SÉDIGA 2009–2012 Singularities of DIfferential Equations in Algebraic Geometry
SISYPH 2014–2016 Mirror SYmmetry and irregular SIngularities coming from PHysics
2015–2020 Own Emmy Noether research group
Tautological systems, homogeneous spaces and the holonomic rank problem with Paul Görlach, Christian Sevenheck, Avi Steiner and Uli Walther, 61 pages, math.AG/2211.05356, 2022.
Topological calculation of local cohomological dimension with Morihiko Saito and Uli Walther, 10 pages, math.AG/2108.1289, 2021.
Algebraic aspects of hypergeometric differential equations with Mathias Schulze, Christian Sevenheck and Uli Walther, Beitr Algebra Geom62, 137–203 (2021)
Dependence of Lyubeznik numbers of cones of projective schemes on projective embeddings, with Morihiko Saito and Uli Walther, 12 pages, math.AG/1803.07448, 2018
Examples of hypergeometric twistor D-modules, with Alberto Castaño Domínguez and Christian Sevenheck, 13 pages, math.AG/1803.04886, 2018
Gauss-Manin systems of families of Laurent polynomials and A-hypergeometric systems, with Uli Walther, Communications in Algebra Volume 47, 2019
Logarithmic degenerations of Landau-Ginzburg models for toric orbifolds and global tt^* geometry, with Etienne Mann, 40 pages, math.AG/1605.08937, 2015
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