Short CV
Since 07/
2014–2020 Studies of Mathematics in Business and Economics, University of Mannheim
FSS 2023: Spieltheorie II, Teaching Assistant
HWS 2022: Game Theory, Teaching Assistant
FSS 2022: Lineare Algebra IIa, Teaching Assistant
HWS 2021/
FSS 2021: Spieltheorie II, Teaching Asisstant
HWS 2020/
FSS 2020: Lineare Algebra IIa and Lineare Algebra IIb, Teaching Assistant
HWS 2019/
Conjugacy Classes of Integer Matrices, Master’s Thesis, University of Mannheim (2020), Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Claus Hertling
Hauptkomponentenanalyse multivariater Extremwerte, Bachelor’s Thesis, University of Mannheim (2017), Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Martin Schlather