Research interests of Claus Hertling
- Singularities in analytic, algebraic and symplectic geometry
- Moduli spaces, Torelli problems, period maps, especially for singularities
- Frobenius manifolds, F-manifolds
- Meromorphic connections and differential equations, D-modules
- Variation of (mixed) Hodge structures, tt* geometry, integrable smooth twistor structures
- Painlevé equations
Research interests of Thomas Reichelt
- Frobenius manifolds
- mirror symmetry
- Hodge theory
- D-modules
- rational homotopy theory
Research interests of Wolfgang K. Seiler
- Moduli of algebraic surfaces
- Galois coverings of affine curves
- Cryptography
- Real algebraic geometry
- Computer algebra
- Mathematics and Information
Research interests of Guilherme Feitosa de Almeida
- Dubrovin-Frobenius manifolds
- Quantum cohomology
- Singularity theory
- Hurwitz spaces
- Integrable systems of ODE (Isomonodromy systems and Painleve equations)
- Integrable systems of PDE (integrable hierarchies of topological type
- Theta-functions of Riemann surfaces and nonlinear waves
Participation in research projects (Claus Hertling)
- MISGAM 2004–2009 Methods of Integrable Systems, Geometry, Applied Mathematics
- ENIGMA 2005–2008 European Network in Geometry, Mathematical Physics and Applications
- SÉDIGA 2009–2012 Singularities of DIfferential Equations in Algebraic Geometry
- SISYPH 2014–2016 Mirror SYmmetry and irregular SIngularities coming from PHysics
Participation in research projects (Thomas Reichelt)
- SÉDIGA 2009–2012 Singularities of DIfferential Equations in Algebraic Geometry
- SISYPH 2014–2016 Mirror SYmmetry and irregular SIngularities coming from PHysics
- Emmy Noether research group 2015–2020 D-modules in geometry and physics
Recently organized conferences (Claus Hertling)
- 2022, 11–15 April, CIRM Luminy: D-modules: Applications to Algebraic Geometry, Arithmetic and Mirror Symmetry
- 2017, 4–10 April, CIRM Luminy: Hodge Theory, Stokes Phenomenon and Applications, its schedule.
- 2015, 19–25 April, Oberwolfach: Mirror Symmetry, Hodge Theory and Differential Equations,
- 2014, 8 December, Mannheim: Workshop on Gamma conjectures.
- 2014, 10–12 November, Augsburg: Workshop on Stokes structures.
- 2014, 4–6 February, Mannheim: Launching workshop of the SISYPH project.
- 2012, 4–8 June, CIRM Luminy: Final conference of the ANR SEDIGA project.
- 2012, 22–28 April, Oberwolfach: Singularity theory and integrable systems.