Mannheim Master in Social Data Science

Recognition of coursework and examinations

  • Which requirements must be met in order to have coursework and examinations recognized?

    • The skills acquired in the course you would like to have recognized must largely correspond to those of the module you wish to substitute in Mannheim.
    • Before you make a request for recognition, please check that the course contents and workload are more or less identical. To this end, we ask you to compare the Mannheim module descriptions with the contents and workload of your courses abroad.

    Please note: The conversion ratio of credit hours to ECTS credits is about 1.5. This means for instance that a module with a workload of 6 ECTS credits corresponds to approximately 4 credit hours. It is also possible to combine several courses or modules to cover equivalent contents.

  • How do I request recognition of coursework and examinations?

    Requests must be submitted to the examination committee in writing using the application form. Please make sure to indicate your address, student ID number and e-mail address in case we need to contact you for follow-up questions. We also ask you to state the semester in which you started your master's program so that we know straight away which examination regulations apply to you.

    Coursework and examinations that you completed in the course of a degree program at an official or officially recognized higher education institution (in Germany or abroad) or at a public university of cooperative education (Berufsakademie) may be credited upon request, provided the competences acquired largely correspond to those taught in the MMSDS program in Mannheim.

  • Which documents to I need to submit for recognition?

    In order to have your coursework and examinations recognized, you need to hand in the following documents:

    • a written, formal request for recognition of examinations stating which completed modules you would like to have recognized and which modules at the University of Mannheim you would like to substitute with these.
    • A current, officially certified Trans­cript of Records. In case your degree certificate was not issued in German or English, please submit an officially certified German or English trans­lation.
    • documents proving the skills you acquired (in brief) and the contents of the courses. Please bear in mind that we cannot process your request without proof of the competences you acquired in the module or course. Proof can be given in the form of excerpts from module descriptions with learning objectives, or learning outcomes defined in course catalogs, program handbooks, certificates or lecture scripts with references, or – if applicable – printouts from the Internet or links to relevant information on the Internet. Please send us this information in electronic form and as a printout.
  • Where can I submit the documents?

    Please hand in the complete documents, including the certifications listed above, to the examination committee.

    Please note that we cannot make a final decision on possible recognition until after you have enrolled at the University of Mannheim. Unfortunately, we are therefore unable to give you any definite information on this matter beforehand.

  • Degree plans and course schedules

    Note: More information will be uploaded during this semester.

    Students learn to collect, organize, and analyze large amounts of data using the appropriate tools and methods to answer questions related to Social Sciences. The master’s program comprises five major areas:

    • Fundamentals of Data Science (27 ECTS credits)
    • Data Science Methods (27 ECTS credits)
    • Advanced Data Science Methods (18–23 ECTS credits)
    • Data Science Applications (18–23 ECTS credits)
    • Master's Thesis (30 ECTS credits)

    This program of study is taught completely in English.

    Example Study Plan

  • Examination regulations and module catalog

    The module catalog 2024/2025 (and Appendix) gives an overview of the course and contents of the program.

    Please read the examination regulations of your program carefully.

  • Examination committee

    Student representative: 

    You can contact the examination committee via           

    Tasks of the central examination committee

    We are responsible for the following topics:

    • Advice on examination regulations
    • Advice on module changes
    • Advice in individual cases (such as extension of deadlines)
    • Approval of reasons for withdrawal or delay
    • Extension of examination deadlines
    • Serious cases of cheating and breaches of regulations
    • Determination of definitive failure with no option to re-sit
    • Identification of missed deadlines
    • Invalidity of examinations
    • Appeal procedure
    • Recognition of coursework and examinations
    • Semester recognition certificates for BAföG, form 5 according to § 48 BAföG (also for LAG WPO)
    Birgit Czanderle, M.A.

    Birgit Czanderle, M.A.

    Studien­erfolgskoordinatorin, Studien­coaching Wirtschafts­informatik, MMDS und MMSDS, Kontaktstelle zum Prüfungs­ausschuss
    Universität Mannheim
    Fakultät für Wirtschafts­informatik und Wirtschafts­mathematik
    B 6, 26
    Gebäudeteil B – Raum B 0.05
    68159 Mannheim
    nach Vereinbarung
  • Advisory service

    The student advisory (run by the study coach and program manager) is a combined offer for the Mannheim Master in Data Science program.  

     You can consult us in questions regarding:

    • the study program
    • the module catalog
    • the examination regulations
    • cases of hard­ship
    • questions about module changes
    • course contents
    • your degree plan (modules, tracks, thesis)

    You can contact the advisory service via

    Birgit Czanderle, M.A.

    Birgit Czanderle, M.A.

    Studien­erfolgskoordinatorin, Studien­coaching Wirtschafts­informatik, MMDS und MMSDS, Kontaktstelle zum Prüfungs­ausschuss
    Universität Mannheim
    Fakultät für Wirtschafts­informatik und Wirtschafts­mathematik
    B 6, 26
    Gebäudeteil B – Raum B 0.05
    68159 Mannheim
    nach Vereinbarung
    Lisa Wessa, M.A.

    Lisa Wessa, M.A.

    Studien­gangs­management B.Sc. Wirtschafts­informatik, M.Sc.Wirtschafts­informatik und Mannheim Master in Data Science
    Universität Mannheim
    Fakultät für Wirtschafts­informatik und Wirtschafts­mathematik
    B 6, 26
    Gebäudeteil B – Raum B1.04
    68159 Mannheim
    Sie erreichen mich während meiner telefonischen Sprechstunde montags von 11:00 – 12:00 Uhr oder per E-Mail. Auch Online-Sprechstundentermine sind nach Vereinbarung möglich.
    Sanja Juric, M.A.

    Sanja Juric, M.A.

    Studien­gangs­management Lehr­amt Gymnasien, B.Sc. und M.Sc. Wirtschafts­mathematik, M.Sc. Mathematik
    Universität Mannheim
    Fakultät für Wirtschafts­informatik und Wirtschafts­mathematik
    B 6, 26
    Gebäudeteil B – Raum B 1.04
    68159 Mannheim
    Tel.: +49 621 181-2640
    Fax: + 49 621 181-2423
    nach Vereinbarung
    Kontakt zur Fakultät WIM

    Kontakt zur Fakultät WIM

    Universität Mannheim
    Fakultät für Wirtschafts­informatik und Wirtschafts­mathematik
    B 6,26
    68159 Mannheim
    nach Vereinbarung via E-Mail
  • Master's thesis

    Finding a supervisor and a topic for your master’s thesis requires early planning and initiative on your part. It is primarily your responsibility as a student to contact a chair that fits your study profile. This means that you need to contact several chairs or professors on your own initiative in order to find someone who will agree to supervise your master's thesis. It is the norm that students contact the chairs personally, and something we expect from students at our school. 

    Who can supervise my master's thesis?
