Mannheim Master in Data Science

General questions

  • Why is it important to read the examination regulations?

    The examination regulations state your rights and obligations as a student enrolled in the Mannheim Master in Data Science at the University of Mannheim.

  • Can I change any modules?

    Please note that only students enrolled before spring 2020 can change modules.

    Requests to the examination committee must be submitted in writing. Please make sure to indicate your address, student ID number and e-mail address in case we need to contact you for follow-up questions. We also ask you to state the semester in which you started your master's program so that we know straight away which examination regulations apply to you.

    Changing a module you have not passed yet

    If you have chosen the wrong module, you have the possibility to request a module change. The request must be submitted to the responsible examination committee in writing using the following form:

    Please bear in mind that any unsuccessful examination attempts will be trans­ferred from the original module to the new module!

    Please also note that a module change does not affect the requirements defined in your examination regulations. In particular, the provisions on the credits required in the different subjects remain valid.

    You will remain registered for the original module until the end of the exam registration period. In case you are still registered for the original module after the exam registration period has ended, please contact Student Services I.

  • Why am I still registered for the original exam after a module change?

    In case you are still registered for the original module after the exam registration period has ended, please contact Student Services I.

  • How am I assigned a team project?

    At the beginning of each semester, the Institute of Computer Science and Business Informatics organizes a presentation session where all chairs offering team projects introduce their topics. After this session, you can register for a team project in Portal², indicating your preferences.

  • Do I need to finish all of my exams before starting my master's thesis?

    Although some chairs might verify whether you have completed all your examinations, you are formally only required to accumulate at least 60 ECTS credits before starting your thesis. Nevertheless, we strongly advise you to finish all your examinations first. Writing a master's thesis is a full-time job, and it takes a lot of coordination and organization to take exams and write a thesis in parallel.

  • How am I assigned an individual project?

    Individual projects are offered by the chairs. In general, you should approach one of the lecturers offering courses in the MMDS program and agree on the topic and scope of your project individually.

  • Can I study abroad for a semester?

    Yes, that is possible. To do so, you can refer to the list of partner universities of the School of Business Informatics and Mathematics (see list here) and the list of partner universities of the University of Mannheim.

    Since data science is a relatively novel field, most of our partner universities mainly offer master’s programs in the fields of business informatics and mathematics, and do not have special data science programs. You therefore have to verify yourself whether the course catalogs contain a sufficient number of courses related to data science. Depending on whether you select courses with a focus on computer science or mathematics, you need to apply either for an exchange within the Business Informatics program or in Mathematics in Business and Economics.

    Details on how to trans­fer credits you obtained at your host university abroad can be found here.

    More helpful information is provided on the web page of the International Office of the University of Mannheim.

    In case of questions, please contact Juliane Roth.