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Workshop on Reinforcement Learning 2024

Welcome to a Mini-Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (RL) on January 12th 2024! The workshop gathers expert in the field of theory of Reinforcement Learning (RL) in a familial atmosphere, providing participants the opportunity to exchange insights on current research on RL. 

We extend a warm invitation to all interested individuals to join us for this collaborative event. Please note that there are no fees associated with the workshop, so just drop by if you are interested in reinforcement learning! If you are curious what RL is about, here are a few links: Sutton/Barto bookvery generic video intro to RL, intro to policy gradient method and off-policy RL. For mathematicians we also have a (pretty much unfinished) set of lecture notes on the mathematics of RL.

You can register using our google form.

  • Speakers and titles

    • Matteo Papini (Politecnico di Milano): New Perspectives on Importance-Weighted Learning
    • Luiz Chamon (University of Stuttgart): Constrained reinforcement learning
    • Carlo D'Eramo (University of Würzburg): Beyond One-Step Bellman Operator
    • Felix Berkenkamp (Bosch AI): Towards real-world model-based RL
    • Claire Vernade (University of Tübingen): Beyond Average Return in Markov Decision Processes
    • Sara Klein (University of Mannheim): Beyond Stationarity: Convergence Analysis of Finite-Time (Stochastic) Softmax Policy Gradient Methods
    • Samuele Tosatto (University of Innsbruck): Beyond Monte Carlo Off-Policy Policy Gradient
    • Semih Cayci (RWTH Aachen): Sample Efficiency and Robustness of Natural Actor-Critic Methods with Function Approximation
  • Program

    9:00–9:45Matteo Papini
    9:45–10:30Luiz Chamon
     cofee break + poster session
    11:00–11:45Carlo D'Eramo
    11:45–12:30Felix Berkenkamp
     lunch + poster session
    14:00–14:45Claire Vernade
    14:45–15:30Sara Klein
     coffee break + poster session
    16:00–16:45Samuele Tosatto
    16:45–17:30Semih Cayci
    18:00restaurant for those interested
  • Practical Information

    Date: 12 January 2024

    Venue: University of Mannheim, B6, 26 (a building with a lot of glass, not the white block next door), 1st floor, 20 min walking distance from the train station, google maps link.

  • Registration

    We do not charge a fee for participation but ask participants to register for a better planning of coffee breakes and lunch. Please use  our google forms sheet.

  • Organizers

    Leif Döring, Mathias Staudigl, Simon Weißmann