My research interest lies in the are of stochastic processes, theory and applications. I am currently focusing my research on reinforcement learning problems. We study tabular problems from the mathematical perspective but also deep reinforcement problem from a practical point of view.
I had (and still have) the pleasure of collaborating with the following people:
Frank Aurzada (Darmstadt), Sam Baguley (Potsdam), Jochen Blath (Frankfurt) Matys Barczy (Debrecen), Felix Benning (Mannheim), Julien Berestycki (Oxford), Steffen Dereich (Münster), Alison Etheridge (Oxford), Lukas Gonon (London), Blanka Horvath (Oxford), Sara Klein (Mannheim), Achim Klenke (Mainz), Andreas Kyprianou (Warwick), Zenghu Li (Beijing), Leonid Mytnik (Haifa), Gyula Pap (Szeged), David Prömel (Mannheim), Oleg Reichmann (Luxemburg), Matt Roberts (Bath), Mladen Savov (Sofia), Josef Teichmann (Zürich), Lukas Trottner (Leeds), Alex Watson (London), Philip Weissmann (Mannheim), Simon Weissmann (Mannheim), Lorenzo Zambotti (Paris)