Recent Trends in Stochastic Analysis and Related Topics
The workshop was a satellite workshop to the annual meeting of the German mathematical society (DMV) held in Hamburg. For information concerning the DMV meeting please check the old website
Speakers and titles
- Frank Aurzada (Darmstadt): “Persistence Probabilities”
- Volker Betz (Darmstadt): “Metastable dynamics of non-reversible perturbed Markov chains”
- Anton Bovier (Bonn): “Scaling limits in adaptive dynamics”
- Andrej Depperschmidt (Freiburg): “Random walks in dynamic random environments and ancestry under local population regulation”
- Hanna Döring (Osnabrück): “Connection times in large ad-hoc networks”
- Peter Eichelsbacher (Bochum): “Malliavin-Stein method for Variance-Gamma approximation on Wiener space”
- Markus Heydenreich (München): “Spontaneous symmetry breaking and the formation of crystals”
- Benedikt Jahnel (Berlin): “Classes of nonergodic interacting particle systems with unique invariant measure”
- Antti Knowles (Zurich): “Eigenvalue distribution of random regular graphs”
- Jason Miller (Cambridge): “Liouville quantum gravity and the Brownian map”
- Peter Mörters (Bath): “The contact process on evolving scale-free networks”
- Markus Reiss (Berlin): “A remark on the rates of convergence for integrated volatility estimation in the presence of jumps”
- Sebastian Riedel (Berlin): “Invariant measures for rough differential equations”
- Perla Sousi (Cambridge): “Mixing, hitting and intersection times for Markov chains”
- Vitali Wachtel (Augsburg): “Invariance principles for random walks in cones”
- Anita Winter (Duisburg-Essen): “Evolving phylogenies of trait-dependent branching with mutation and competition”
Sunday Monday 10.00–10.35 Mörters 9.00–9.35 Heydenreich 10.35–11.10 Knowles 9.35–10.10 Betz 11.10–11.45 Jahnel 10.10–10.45 Riedel 11.45–12.20 Eichelsbacher coffee break lunch break 11.15–11.50 Reiss 14.20–14.55 Depperschmidt 11.50–12.25 Winter 14.55–15.30 Bovier lunch break 15.30–16.05 Döring 14.30–15.05 Sousi coffee break 15.05–15.40 Miller 16.40–17.15 Aurzada
DMV Conference
17.15–17.50 Wachtel Practical Information
Date: 20–21 September 2015
Venue: University Hamburg, Lecture Hall C (Erwin-Panofsky-Hörsaal)
A reservation has been made for the restaurant cantinetta (link) for Sunday evening, 19.30.
Leif Döring (Mannheim), Alex Drewitz (Köln)
The workshop was supported by the research training group “Statistical modeling of complex systems and processes”.