Neu an der Fakultät: Prof. Dr. Mathias Staudigl

Die Fakultät für Wirtschafts­informatik und Wirtschafts­mathematik freut sich, Prof. Dr. Mathias Staudigl als Professor für Mathematical Optimization willkommen heißen zu dürfen. Untenstehend finden Sie Informationen zu Prof. Staudigls Forschungs­themen sowie seinem Lehr­angebot.

Mankind strives to make optimal decisions given the available information. The mathematics behind this basic decision problem is mathematical optimization (aka mathematical programming). My research is devoted to foundational topics in mathematical optimization, covering both theoretical analysis and numerical implementations.  In particular, me and my group, develop methods for large-scale optimization problems in deterministic and random environments.

Besides fundamental research, my research is heavily motivated by solving concrete societal questions. The chair is actively involved in research projects on the optimization of energy systems, and the computational challenges in medical imaging. 

Research topics: 

·      Mathematical Optimization 

·      Numerical Optimization 

·      Mathematical game theory 

·      Interconnections between dynamical systems and continuous optimization 


·      Optimization in Energy Systems

·      Inverse Problems in Medical Imaging


·      Linear Programming

·      Convex Optimization  – Theory and Algorithms 

·      Non-linear Programming 
