Credit: Thomas Kirsch
Research topics
- metastable behaviour of Markov processes
- functional inequalities related to the longtime behaviour of stochastic processes
- scaling limits of stochastic processes in random media
- population genetics
Lectures at University Mannheim FSS 2024 Stochastic processes (4 SWS) BSc/ MSc Markovketten (2 SWS) BSc Markov processes (2 SWS) BSc/ MSc HWS 2023 Large-scale dynamics of stochastic systems (2 SWS) BSc Markovketten (2 SWS) BSc Markov processes (2 SWS) BSc/ MSc FSS 2023 Probability theory (4 SWS) BSc/ MSc Markovketten (2 SWS) BSc Markov processes (2 SWS) BSc/ MSc HWS 2022 A PDE approach to mean-field systems (2 SWS) MSc Markovketten (2 SWS) BSc Markov processes (2 SWS) BSc/ MSc Schlüsselqualifikation 1 – Programmierkurs Python (2SWS) BSc (jointly with STADS) FSS 2022
Markovketten (2 SWS) BSc Markov processes (2 SWS) BSc/ MSc HWS 2021 Mathematical Finance (4 SWS) BSc Markovketten (2 SWS) BSc Markov processes (2 SWS) BSc/ MSc Schlüsselqualifikation 1 – Programmierkurs Python (2SWS) BSc (jointly with STADS)
FSS 2021
Markovketten (2 SWS) BSc Markov processes (2 SWS) BSc/ MSc HWS 2020 Markov processes (2 SWS) BSc/ MSc Schlüsselqualifikation 1 – Programmierkurs Python (2SWS) BSc (jointly with STADS) Lectures at the University Giessen SoSe 2018 Markovprozesse, Konvergenz und Metastabilität (4 SWS) MSc/ PhD SoSe 2018 Stochastik II (4 SWS) BSc Lectures at the TU Berlin SoSe 2017 Maß- und Integrationstheorie (4 SWS) MSc WiSe 2016 Markov processes and metastability (2 SWS) BSc/ MSc SoSe 2015 Mathematik II für Ökonomen (2 SWS) BSc WiSe 2014 Mathematik I für Ökonomen (2 SWS) BSc SoSe 2012 Mathematik II für Brauerei- und Brennereitechnologen (3 SWS) BSc Exercise classes and seminars
Exercise classes and seminars at the University Mannheim HWS 2021 Mathematical Finance FSS 2021 Markovketten Exercise classes and seminars at the TU Berlin WiSe 2017 Analysis I für Ingenieurswissenschaften SoSe 2017 Statistik WiSe 2016 Stochastische Modelle Seminar “Wechselwirkende Teilchensysteme” SoSe 2016 Differentialgleichungen für Ingenieure Seminar “Stochastische Prozesse und ihre Anwendungen” WiSe 2015 Early Bird I für Ingenieure SoSe 2015 Mathematik II für Ökonomen WiSe 2014 Mathematik I für Ökonomen SoSe 2012 Seminar “Ausgewählte Kapitel der Wahrscheinlickeitstheorie” Exercise classes and seminars at the University Bonn SoSe 2011 Seminar “Markovketten und stochastische Algorithmen” SoSe 2010 Angewandte Stochastik und Statistik Seminar “Markovketten und stochastische Algorithmen” Seminar “Angewandte Stochastik” WiSe 2009 Seminar “Numerische stochastische Analysis” SoSe 2009 Algorithmische Mathematik II
Peer reviewed
- Jochen Blath, Noemi Kurt, Martin Slowik and Maite Wilke-Berenguer (2024): Dormancy in stochastic population models. Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, 126, 4, 249–281.
- Anton Bovier, Frank den Hollander, Saeda Marello, Elena Pulvirenti and Martin Slowik (2024): Metastability of Glauber dynamics with inhomogeneous coupling disorder. ALEA : Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 21, 2, 1249-1273.
- Björn Steigerwald, Jens Weibezahn, Martin Slowik and Christian von Hirschhausen (2024): Reply on “comments on ‘Uncertainties in estimating production costs of future nuclear technologies: A model-based analysis of small modular reactors’ [Energy 281 (2023) 128204]”. Energy, 313, Article 133828, , 1–3.
- (2023):
Mini-workshop: New Horizons in Motions in Random Media : workshop 2309b, 26 February – 4 March 2023, report no. 10/
2023. Oberwolfach Reports : OWR, 20, 1, 565–606. - Björn Steigerwald, Jens Weibezahn, Martin Slowik and Christian von Hirschhausen (2023): Uncertainties in estimating production costs of future nuclear technologies: A model-based analysis of small modular reactors. Energy : The International Journal, 281, Article 128204, 1–17.
- Varun Venkataramani, Yvonne Yang, Marc Cicero Schubert, Ekin Reyhan, Svenja Kristin Tetzlaff, Niklas Wißmann, Michael Botz, Stella Judith Soyka, Carlo Antonio Beretta, Rangel Lyubomirov Pramatarov, Laura Fankhauser, Luciano Garofano, Alexander Freudenberg, Julia Wagner, Dimitar Ivanov Tanev, Miriam Ratliff, Ruifan Xie, Tobias Kessler, Dirk C. Hoffmann, Ling Hai, Yvette Dörflinger, Simone Hoppe, Yahaya A. Yabo, Anna Golebiewska, Simone P. Niclou, Felix Sahm, Anna Lasorella, Martin Slowik, Leif Döring, Antonio Iavarone, Wolfgang Wick, Thomas Kuner and Frank Winkler (2022): Glioblastoma hijacks neuronal mechanisms for brain invasion. Cell, 185, 16, e31, 2899-2917.
- Sebastian Andres, Alberto Chiarini and Martin Slowik (2021):
Quenched local limit theorem for random walks among time-dependent ergodic degenerate weights.
Probability Theory and Related Fields, 179, 3/
4, 1145-1181. - Jochen Blath, Felix Hermann and Martin Slowik (2021): A branching process model for dormancy and seed banks in randomly fluctuating environments. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 83, 2, Article 17, 1–40.
- Sebastian Andres, Jean-Dominique Deuschel and Martin Slowik (2020): Green kernel asymptotics for two-dimensional random walks under random conductances. Electronic Communications in Probability : ECP, 25, Paper 58, 1–14.
- Sebastian Andres, Jean-Dominique Deuschel and Martin Slowik (2019): Heat kernel estimates and intrinsic metric for random walks with general speed measure under degenerate conductances. Electronic Communications in Probability : ECP, 24, Paper 5, 1–17.
- Franziska Flegel, Martin Heida and Martin Slowik (2019): Homogenization theory for the random conductance model with degenerate ergodic weights and unbounded-range jumps. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré. B, Probabilité et statistiques, 55, 3, 1226-1257.
- André Schlichting and Martin Slowik (2019): Poincaré and logarithmic Sobolev constants for metastable Markov chains via capacitary inequalities. The Annals of Applied Probability, 29, 6, 3438-3488.
- Sebastian Andres, Alberto Chiarini, Jean-Dominique Deuschel and Martin Slowik (2018): Quenched invariance principle for random walks with time-dependent ergodic degenerate weights. The Annals of Applied Probability, 46, 1, 302–336.
- Jean-Dominique Deuschel, Peter K. Friz, Mario Maurelli and Martin Slowik (2018): The enhanced Sanov theorem and propagation of chaos. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, 128, 7, 2228-2269.
- Jean-Dominique Deuschel, Tuan Anh Nguyen and Martin Slowik (2018):
Quenched invariance principles for the random conductance model on a random graph with degenerate ergodic weights.
Probability Theory and Related Fields, 170, 1/
2, 363–386. - Sebastian Andres, Jean-Dominique Deuschel and Martin Slowik (2016):
Harnack inequalities on weighted graphs and some applications to the random conductance model.
Probability Theory and Related Fields, 164, 3/
4, 931–977. - Sebastian Andres, Jean-Dominique Deuschel and Martin Slowik (2016): Heat kernel estimates for random walks with degenerate weights. Electronic Journal of Probability : EJP, 21, 33, 1–21.
- Sebastian Andres, Jean-Dominique Deuschel and Martin Slowik (2015): Invariance principle for the random conductance model in a degenerate ergodic environment. The Annals of Probability, 43, 4, 1866-1891.
- Peter Benner, Vasile Sima and Martin Slowik (2007):
Evaluation of the linear matrix equation solvers in SLICOT.
Journal of Numerical Analysis, Industrial and Applied Mathematics : JNAIAM, 2, 1/
2, 11–34.
- Björn Steigerwald, Jens Weibezahn, Martin Slowik and Christian von Hirschhausen (2023): Future nuclear fission reactors – uncertainties, the effect of parameter choice and an application to small modular reactor concepts. In: , Göttingen : Copernicus Publications, S. 217–218.
- Jean-Dominique Deuschel and Martin Slowik (2016): Invariance principle for the one-dimensional dynamic random conductance model under moment conditions. In: Stochastic analysis on large scale interacting systems : October 26–29, 2014, Kyōto : Kenkyūsho, S. 69–84.
Organization of events
- Co-organizer of the MFO mini-workshop “New Horizons in Motion in Random Media”, 26.02.2023 – 04.03.2023, Oberwolfach
- Co-organizer of the conference “Germany Probability & Statistics Days”, 27.09.2021 – 01.10.2021, University Mannheim
- Co-Organisator des Workshops “Interplay of Random Media and Stochastic Interface Models (RMSI2018)”, 25.06.2018 – 27.06.2018, TU Berlin
- Co-Organisator das Workshops “Extrema of Branching Processes and Gaussian Free Fields (BPGFF2014)”, 28.11.2014 – 29.11.2014, TU Berlin & WIAS Berlin
- Co-Organisator der Workshops “Random Media (RM2013)”, 16.09.2013 – 17.09.2013, TU Berlin