Prof. Christian Bizer mit SWSA Ten-Year Award ausgezeichnet
The SWSA Ten-Year Award recognizes the highest impact papers from the ISWC proceedings ten years prior (i.e., in 2017 the award honors a paper from 2007). The decision is based primarily, but not exclusively, on the number of citations to the papers from the proceedings in the intervening decade.
DBpedia is a large-scale cross-domain knowledge base which the authors extracted from Wikipedia and made available on the Web under an open license. DBpedia allows users to ask sophisticated queries against Wikipedia knowledge and serves as an interlinking hub in the Web of Linked Data. In addition, DBpedia is widely used as background knowledge for applications such as search, natural language understanding, and data integration.
According to Google Scholar, the paper "DBpedia: A Nucleus for a Web of Open Data” has been cited 2770 times as of October 2017.