Frau Prof. Keuper hat schulterlange, glatte, dunkle Haare zu einem Pferdeschwanz gebunden
New at the School: Prof. Dr. Margret Keuper
The School of Business Informatics and Business Mathematics is pleased to welcome Prof. Dr. Margret Keuper as professor for Machine Learning. Below you will find information about Prof. Keuper's research topics and her teaching program.
Prof. Atkinson participates in DFG Collaborative Research Center
Most devices and systems used by humans today, such as cars and production plants, are so-called “cyber-physical systems” (CPS), in which electronic and mechanical components are combined with software. To cope with their increasing size and complexity, the German Research Foundation (DFG) is ...
Business Informatics Programms Achieve Top-Rating in CHE Ranking
The Mannheim business informatics programms were highly rated in the current ranking of the Center for Higher Education Development (CHE): In 17 of 20 categories, the Mannheim business informatics achieved top ratings, including in the categories “General study situation”, “Graduations in a ...
Career Fair MINT Marketplace 2023
The career fair MINT Marketplace 2023 organized by the School of Business Informatics and Mathematics will take place on Wednesday, May 10, 2023, 15:00–18:00 in building B6, 26 Bauteil A.
Professor Martin Schlather awarded Ars legendi Faculty Prize 2022
This year's Ars legendi Faculty Award in the category of mathematics goes to Prof. Dr. Martin Schlather, holder of the Chair of Applied Stochastics at the University of Mannheim. It is awarded annually by a consortium of societies and associations for outstanding, innovative achievements in ...
New at the School: Prof. Dr. Roland Leißa
The School of Business Informatics and Business Mathematics is pleased to welcome Prof. Dr. Roland Leißa as a new member – as junior professor for programming languages and compiler design. Below you will find information about Prof. Leißa's research topics and his teaching program.
Prof. Roggenkamp receives teaching award of the University of Mannheim
The Faculty of Information Systems and Business Mathematics is pleased to award Prof. Roggenkamp with the teaching prize of the University of Mannheim in the category “Professorship” and congratulates him.
Business Informatics achieves Third Place in Wirtschaftswoche Ranking
In the current HR manager survey by the Wirtschaftswoche magazine, Mannheim's business informatics department once again performed very well.
Neugierige und engagierte Studierende gesucht! Thema New Mobility
wir, die Akteure des QLab think tanks (, bieten *neugierigen und engagierten Studierenden* aus unterschiedlichen Fachbereichen die Möglichkeit, sich während eines *fünfwöchigen Einsatzes (1. April bis 6. Mai)* intensiv mit einer *Aufgabenstellung* aus einem Unternehmen zum ...
Prof. David Prömel accepted into the Baden-Württemberg Foundation's elite program
We congratulate Prof. David Prömel on being accepted into the elite program of the Baden-Württemberg Foundation and on promoting his project “Robust Stochastic Filtering in Mathematical Finance”. The project has a duration of 3 years and is funded with 140,000 euros.