Teacher Education Programs
Depending on your subject combination, several schools may be responsible for you. You can find most of the information you need to know about your studies as well as degree plans and course schedules on the website of the School of Humanities.
Module catalogs
Course schedules
Academic advising
Our academic advisors are happy to help you with any subject-specific questions you might have, for instance when drawing up your course schedule.
For questions relating to Mathematics at the School of Business Informatics and Mathematics, please contact:
With general questions about your studies of Mathematics, you can also write an e-mail to:
studienberatung math.uni-mannheim.de
For questions relating to Informatics at the School of Business Informatics and Mathematics, please contact:
With general questions about your studies of Informatics, you can also write an e-mail to:
studienberatung wim.uni-mannheim.de
Information on the state examination program in teacher education (LAG) according to GymPO
Who can I turn to with questions or problems?
In case you have specific questions about the program structure, you can turn to the program manager responsible for teacher education, Sarah Kern.
In case you have questions about courses offered at the School of Business Informatics and Mathematics, or specific questions about the subjects of mathematics and informatics, please contact the program managers or the academic advisor of our school.Which subjects can I study, and which subjects can I combine?
Students interested in a teacher education program at the University of Mannheim can choose between a total of eleven subjects. All combinations are possible.
Choice of subjects: German, History, Mathematics, Spanish, English, Informatics, Philosophy/
Ethics, Economics and Business Administration, French, Italian, and Political Science How do I register for the state examination?
As the state examination is held twice a year by the state examination office in Karlsruhe, special registration procedures apply. For this reason, the Student Services II team offers an information event every semester.
Contact persons for all subjects taken in the Bachelor and Master of Education programs and the state examination program are Heidi Alscher-Binder and Corinna Wolf. Further information and contact details are provided on the web pages of Student Services.
Can I change one or even both of my subjects during my studies?
Generally, you can always change one (or possibly both) of your subjects starting from the following semester. If the subject you would like to take instead is a selective subject, you must apply just like everyone else. Changing subjects usually means that you have to extend your period of study. You should keep this in mind especially if you are dependent on a grant such as BAföG. If this is the case, make sure to contact the responsible offices to seek advice.
Do I have to write a bachelor's thesis in every subject?