Mannheim Master in Social Data Science
This page provides information for students enrolled in the Mannheim Master in Social Data Science. If you are a prospective student interested in the program, you can find general information about the master’s program on the website of the university.
Degree plans and course schedules
Note: More information will be uploaded during this semester.
Students learn to collect, organize, and analyze large amounts of data using the appropriate tools and methods to answer questions related to Social Sciences. The master’s program comprises five major areas:
- Fundamentals of Data Science (27 ECTS credits)
- Data Science Methods (27 ECTS credits)
- Advanced Data Science Methods (18–23 ECTS credits)
- Data Science Applications (18–23 ECTS credits)
- Master's Thesis (30 ECTS credits)
This program of study is taught completely in English.
Example Study Plan
There are various forms of examination at the University of Mannheim, with written examinations playing a central role. These are held in fixed examination periods. There are two examination periods per semester: The first usually begins immediately after the end of the lecture period, while the second usually starts in the week before the start of the new semester.
In addition to written examinations, students also have other examination formats at their disposal, such as assignments, projects or oral examinations. These offer the opportunity to perform individually in different contexts.
You can find more information about examinations here.Examination regulations and module catalog
The module catalog 2024/
2025 and the appendix give an overview of the course and contents of the program. Please read the examination regulationsof your program carefully.
Examination committee
Student representative:
You can contact the examination committee via pruefungsausschuss.wim
Tasks of the central examination committee
We are responsible for the following topics:
- Advice on examination regulations
- Advice on module changes
- Advice in individual cases (such as extension of deadlines)
- Approval of reasons for withdrawal or delay
- Extension of examination deadlines
- Serious cases of cheating and breaches of regulations
- Determination of definitive failure with no option to re-sit
- Identification of missed deadlines
- Invalidity of examinations
- Appeal procedure
- Recognition of coursework and examinations
- Semester recognition certificates for BAföG, form 5 according to § 48 BAföG (also for LAG WPO)
Credit: Emilie OrglerAdvisory service
The student advisory (run by the study coach and program manager) is a combined offer for the Mannheim Master in Data Science program.
You can consult us in questions regarding:
- the study program
- the module catalog
- the examination regulations
- cases of hardship
- questions about module changes
- course contents
- your degree plan (modules, tracks, thesis)
You can contact the advisory service via studienberatung.wim.
Credit: Emilie OrglerCredit: Emilie OrglerCredit: Kim FormosaMaster's thesis
Finding a supervisor and a topic for your master’s thesis requires early planning and initiative on your part. It is primarily your responsibility as a student to contact a chair that fits your study profile. This means that you need to contact several chairs or professors on your own initiative in order to find someone who will agree to supervise your master's thesis. It is the norm that students contact the chairs personally, and something we expect from students at our school.
Who can supervise my master's thesis?