Master's Program in Business Informatics

  • Degree plans and course schedules

    Degree plans

    The master’s program in Business Informatics is a program taught exclusively in English combining the fields of computer science and business administration. The goal of the study concept is to equip students with the fundamental knowledge of business informatics specialists while giving them the opportunity to specialize in key areas of business informatics as well. The seminars and projects are designed to go beyond basic skills, and provide students with an in-depth understanding as well as professional competences. While the goal of the seminars is for students to learn scientific argumentation in discussion, presentation and writing, the team project simulates real world situations in project management and teamwork.

    The program covers five major areas:

    1. Fundamentals Computer Science (18 ECTS credits):

    On the basis of the knowledge acquired during your bachelor’s studies, this area serves to further develop the core competences needed as a business IT specialist. Here you can choose the courses that are necessary to prepare you for your area of specialization as you progress in your studies. You are required to earn 18 ECTS credits in this area.

    2. Fundamentals Business Administration (at least 18 ECTS credits):

    In this area, you can choose courses in Accounting and Taxation, Banking, Finance and Insurance, Management, Marketing and Operations Management. These lectures are offered by the Business School and offer you a great opportunity to either gain expertise in a certain domain or to acquire broad knowledge about different areas in business administration. You need to earn at least 18 ECT credits in this area.

    3. Specialization Courses (36 ECTS credits):

    In this area, you can choose six courses from the specialization modules offered by our chairs on a wide array of topics. As the school wants to encourage students to focus on their main interests, you are given the freedom to choose your courses accordingly.

    4. Projects and Seminars (18 ECTS credits):

    In addition to the subject-specific expertise you acquire during your studies, it is important to us that you also develop social skills and soft skills. Employers will look at your personal qualities, attitudes, skills and abilities, especially in terms of communication and motivation. Although these qualifications are often gained from life and work experience, it is possible to train and develop them.

    The key qualification course ”Scientific Research“ (2 ECTS credits) teaches basic tools and methods for scientific research and academic writing. The course is offered several times a semester as a block seminar. You will be able to use these tools in the selected seminar (4 ECTS credits) to discuss, present and write about current research questions in business informatics. 

    The team project (12 ECTS credits), which is an integral part of the program, can be taken for six months or can be stretched out over twelve months. It not only provides students with technical skills, but also social skills in project management and teamwork.

    5. Master’s Thesis (30 ECTS credits):

    With your thesis, you demonstrate that you have the necessary skills and abilities to independently work on a subject-specific problem using scientific methods. 

    Team projects, seminars and thesis topics are offered by the individual chairs of the School of Business Informatics and Mathematics and the Business School. Students can discuss current topics of business informatics in practical application or in research.

  • Examinations

    There are various forms of examination at the University of Mannheim, with written examinations playing a central role. These are held in fixed examination periods. There are two examination periods per semester: The first usually begins immediately after the end of the lecture period, while the second usually starts in the week before the start of the new semester.
    In addition to written examinations, students also have other examination formats at their disposal, such as assignments, projects or oral examinations. These offer the opportunity to perform individually in different contexts.
    You can find more information about examinations here.

  • Examination regulations and module catalog

    The module catalog 2024/2025 gives an overview of the courses and contents of the program.

    Please read the examination regulations for your program carefully.

  • Examination committee


    Prof. Dr. Rainer Gemulla

    Prof. Dr. Rainer Gemulla

    Chair of Practical Computer Science I: Data Analytics
    University of Mannheim
    School of Business Informatics and Mathematics
    B 6, 26 – Room B 0.16
    68159 Mannheim

    Student representative: Michael Timpelan

    You can contact the examination committee via           

    Tasks of the central examination committee

    We are responsible for the following topics :

    • Advice on examination regulations
    • Advice on module changes
    • Advice in individual cases (such as extension of deadlines)
    • Approval of reasons for withdrawal or delay
    • Extension of examination deadlines
    • Serious cases of cheating and breaches of regulations
    • Determination of definitive failure with no option to re-sit
    • Identification of missed deadlines
    • Invalidity of examinations
    • Appeal procedure
    • Recognition of coursework and examinations
    • Semester recognition certificates for BAföG, form 5 according to § 48 BAföG (also for LAG WPO)

    For further general information regarding the Master in Business Informatics contact:

    Birgit Czanderle, M.A.

    Birgit Czanderle, M.A.

    Student Success Coordinator, Study Coach Business Informatics, MMDS and MMSDS, Contact to Examination Committee
    University of Mannheim
    School of Business Informatics and Mathematics
    B 6, 26
    Gebäudeteil B – Room B 0.05
    68159 Mannheim
    Consultation hour(s):
    by appointment
  • Advisory service

    The student advisory (run by the study coach and program manager) is a combined offer for the master's program in Business Informatics.

    You can consult us in questions regarding:

    • the study program
    • the module catalog
    • the examination regulations
    • cases of hardship
    • questions about module changes
    • contents of courses
    • your degree plan (modules, tracks, thesis)

    You can contact the advisory service via   

    Birgit Czanderle, M.A.

    Birgit Czanderle, M.A.

    Student Success Coordinator, Study Coach Business Informatics, MMDS and MMSDS, Contact to Examination Committee
    University of Mannheim
    School of Business Informatics and Mathematics
    B 6, 26
    Gebäudeteil B – Room B 0.05
    68159 Mannheim
    Consultation hour(s):
    by appointment
    Lisa Wessa, M.A.

    Lisa Wessa, M.A.

    Program Manager B.Sc. Business Mathematics, B.Sc. Business Informatics, Mannheim Master in Data Science
    University of Mannheim
    School of Business Informatics and Mathematics
    B 6, 26
    Gebäudeteil B – Room B1.04
    68159 Mannheim
    Consultation hour(s):
    You can reach me Mondays 11:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m. via phone or via E-Mail. Online-Appointments are possible.
    Contact the School of Business Informatics and Mathematics

    Contact the School of Business Informatics and Mathematics

    University of Mannheim
    School of Business Informatics and Mathematics
    B6, 26
    68159 Mannheim
    Consultation hour(s):
    by appointment via e-mail
  • Master’s thesis

    Finding a supervisor and a topic for your master’s thesis requires early planning and initiative on your part. It is primarily your responsibility as a student to contact a chair that fits your study profile. This means that you need to contact several chairs or professors on your own initiative in order to find someone who will agree to supervise your thesis. It is the norm that students contact the chairs personally, and something we expect from students at our school. 

    Master’s students of Business Informatics may write their thesis either in the field of business informatics or informatics. Please inform yourself about the requirements of each chair.

    Further information...