
Courses and Registration

  • Course Selection

    In the fields of Data Science, Business Informatics and Mathematics in Business and Economics, our school offers a wide range of courses taught in English. You can thus complete an exchange program at the University of Mannheim without prior German language skills.

    Good to know: Undergraduate students may attend graduate level courses at the School of Business Informatics and Mathematics. In some cases, there are no requirements for participation in a Master’s course. So please check the prerequisites.

    If you're looking for extensive course details, prerequisites, workload etc. please have a look at our module catalogs. Access hereAcademics --> Organizing your Studies -- > Select your Study degree --> Module Catalog.

    You may not only take courses at our school, but also courses offered by other schools. These are called university-wide electives. If you would like to take courses that are offered outside our school, please select them from courses offered under university-wide electives. However, please keep in mind that you have to select the majority of courses from those courses offered by our school (50%-rule).

    Before coming to Mannheim, you can also ask the exchange coordinator at your home institution whether you will get ECTS credits for the language courses offered at the University of Mannheim.

    Information for exchange students participating in the European ERASMUS program: I am your contact person in case you need a signature of the “responsible person in the receiving institution” on your Learning Agreement.

  • Course Registration

    Lecture period Fall 24:

    2 Sept 2024 – 6 Dec 2024

    Open capacity courses:15 Aug – 23 Sept 2024
    Limited capacity courses:15 Aug – 2 Sept 2024

    Please register for all courses directly in the corresponding module on Portal2 (login). You may deregister autonomously at any time during the semester. For seminars and Team Projects please follow the respective notes on the websites of your lecturers.

    The registration period differs for courses with limited and open capacity.

    • Open capacity courses: starts on 15 August and runs until 23 September 2024.
      You will be admitted right after registration. In case you wish to change courses, please deregister autonomously at any time during the semester.
    • Limited capacity courses: starts on 15 August and runs until 2 September 2024.
      You will be registered (not admitted) right after registration and spots will be allocated in the first week of the semester. Only a handful of courses do have limited capacity, and this only applies to a few courses from Business Informatics and M.Sc. Data Science. Please note this list is not exhausted and that we cannot guarantee spots for limited courses. Courses with limited capacity are:
      • CS 450 Programming Course
      • Co-creating digital health applications with design methodology | Projekt
      • IE 500 Data Mining I (--> NO ALTERNATE EXAM!)
      • IE 650 Knowlegde Graphs
      • IE 672  Data Mining II
      • IE 683 Web Data Integration Project
      • IE 684  Web Mining Project
      • IE 692 Advanced Process Mining

    Also keep in mind that courses offered by other departments require a different registration procedure. You can contact my colleagues from other departments here.

    A manual for course registrations can be found in Portal2 > User Manuals > For Students.

  • Exam Registration

    Lecture period:2 September 2024 – 6 December 2024
    Exam registration period:tba
    Examination period:9 December 2024 – 21 December 2024
    Alternate examination dates:1 February 2025 – 8 February 2025

    After a couple of weeks your exam registration period starts. Usually, written exams take place at the end of the semester, during th examination period. You may search here for all examination dates. Please note that you have to register for all kind of examinations, such as assignments, oral presentations, mid-terms etc.

    You will receive all the relevant information via email, before the exam registration period begins.

    Specific information can be found on the website for exam registration and change in registration.

The web pages of the International Office provide further information on the wide variety of academic courses, the numerous courses on German language and culture as well as the programs of the Summer and Winter Academies.


Juliane Roth, M.A.

Juliane Roth, M.A. (she/her)

Departmental Exchange Coordinator, Digitization
University of Mannheim
School of Business Informatics and Mathematics
B 6, 26
Gebäudeteil B – Room B 1.05
68159 Mannheim
Phone: +49 621 181-2340
Fax: +49 621 181-2423
Consultation hour(s):
by appointment via email