
Info about the start of the semester

You will find current information on the start of the semester here. Information specific to your study program can be found at the bottom of the page in the dropdown for the corresponding study programs.

Introductory Sessions

Details regarding the subject-specific introductory events for first-year students will be announced soon. There will be additional events during the orientation week for Bachelor's students and at the beginning of the first lecture week for Master's students. Please refer to the drop-down menu of your study program for detailed information.

  • B.Sc. Wirtschaftsinformatik


    Semester: 1.8.2024–31.1.2025
    Rückmeldungen: Daten folgen
    Vorlesungszeit: 02.09.2024 bis 06.12.2024
    Prüfungs­zeit: Ersttermin: 9.12.2024–21.12.2024
    Prüfungen Zweittermin: 1.2.2025–8.2.2025

    Wichtige Unterlagen rund um den Studien­gang finden Sie hier.

    Checkliste Studienstart

    Seminare im FSS 2024

    Die Anmeldung für die Seminare unserer Fakultät (Achtung: nicht die IS-Seminare der Area Information Systems der Fakultät für BWL) im HWS 2024 erfolgt zentral über Portal2. Sie können sich voraussichtlich ab dem 12.08. bis zum 02.09.2024 anmelden.               

    Es gibt kein First come – first serve. Allerdings werden Studierende höherer Fachsemester ggf. vorrangig berücksichtigt.

    Die Anmeldung finden Sie hier:

    Link zur Anmeldung folgt

    Bitte beachten Sie: Sie müssen mind. 3 Prioritäten angeben!

    Achten Sie außerdem darauf, dass Sie die Voraussetzungen für die jeweiligen Seminare erfüllen.

    Die Zuteilung erfolgt ab dem 03.09.2024.

  • B.Sc. Wirtschaftsmathematik

  • M.Sc. Wirtschaftsmathematik und M.Sc. Mathematik

  • M.Sc. Business Informatics and M.Sc. Data Science

    Welcome at the University of Mannheim!

    Introductory Session

    We are excited to welcome you to the University of Mannheim! The introductory session for new Master students in Business Informatics and Mannheim Master in Data Science will take place on Friday, August 30, 2024. The event will start at 10:00 AM the room will be announced as soon as possible.

    From this semester onwards, we will upload presentations that cover essential information about studying at the University of Mannheim, along with subject-specific introductions. These presentations will be available as soon as possible. We highly recommend that you review these materials beforehand.

    During the introductory session on August 30, we will hold a Q&A segment. Please come prepared with any questions you may have based on the uploaded presentations.

    Course Registration

    • Course registration: In the HWS 24, registration is only mandatory for courses with a limitation on attendance. Make sure to register for your courses within the time frames mentioned below, otherwise, you will not be admitted to them. You can also register for the other courses.
      • You can register for courses with limited attendance from August 12 to September 2, 2024. This only applies to a few courses from M.Sc. Business Informatics and M.Sc. Data Science, the seminars and the team projects. Please note that we cannot guarantee spots for limited courses.
    • Please note: The course registration is NOT automatically an exam registration. You must register separately for your exams during the exam registration period.
    • Master Seminars: The registration will be open from August 12, 2024 on. You can register for the Master Seminars in Portal2 until September 2. A link to the registration will follow as soon as possible. You must prioritize at least three seminars. There is no first come first serve. The allocation will take place from September 3 on.
    • Registration period for Master's courses of the Business School with obligatory registration and restricted course capacity: August 15 until August 29, 2024.

    Team Projects Spring 2024

    • The Presentation of the team projects: Wednesday, September 4, 13:45 via ZOOM.
      The slides for each project will be uploaded afterwards at the end of this page.
    • The registration for the team projects will start after the presentation. You can register in Portal², the link will follow as soon as possible. You must prioritize at least three projects.