Demystifying IT: Open Dialogue with the Industry’s Experts
WoMen in Tech Kick-Off on November 25, 5–6:30PM
Selbstlernkurs für Studierende: Videos zu selbstreguliertem Lernen
Ab Freitag, dem 9. Oktober, steht den Studierenden ein Selbstlernmodul zum selbstregulierten Ler-nen über den ILIAS-Kurs “Schulungsangebote für Studierende” zur Verfügung, das in Kooperation mit dem Lehrstuhl für Bildungspsychologie, der Psychologischen Beratungsstelle des Studierendenwerks und ...
Welcome First-year Students!
Dear first-year students, we are very pleased to welcome you to the School of Business Informatics and Mathematics at the University of Mannheim. In the current spring/summer semester 2021, our study programs were again in very high demand. For the M.Sc. in Business Informatics, for example, there ...
Studierende als TutorInnen für die Corona School gesucht!
SAP & der gemeinnützige Verein Corona School e.V. suchen nach Studierenden, die sich ehrenamtlich engagieren und einen positiven Beitrag in der aktuellen Zeit leisten möchten
Studenten 1
Team from Uni Mannheim among Top 10 in Data Mining Competition
The Data Mining Cup is an annual data mining competition for student teams from all over the world. As in the previous years, students attending the Data Mining 2 course taught by Prof. Heiko Paulheim also took part in the Data Mining Cup 2020.
Research on social impacts of artificial intelligence funded with 850,000 euros
As part of a new research program for the common good-oriented handling of artificial intelligence (AI) three projects of the University of Mannheim are funded by the Baden-Württemberg Foundation.
Prof. Goran Glavaš receives EU funding for interdisciplinary research project
We congratulate Prof. Goran Glavaš for getting funding for his research project “Willingness and Capacity for EU Policy Action in Turbulent Times: Conflicts, Positions and Outcomes” within the EU research program “NORFACE Democratic Governance in a Turbulent Age”. The project has a duration of 3 ...
New at the school: Prof. Dr. Roland Leißa
The School of Business Informatics and Business Mathematics is pleased to welcome Prof. Dr. Roland Leißa as a new member -- as junior professor for programming languages and compiler design.
Career fair “MINT marketplace” postponed to September
Due to the corona virus, the MINT marketplace 2020 will not take place on March 18 as planned but will be postponed to September 2020. Information about the new date will follow.
Professor Christian Bizer wins SWSA Ten-Year Award
The SWSA Ten-Year Award recognizes the highest impact papers from the ISWC proceedings ten years prior.