Career fair “MINT marketplace” postponed to September

The Faculty of Business Informatics and Business Mathematics organizes the career fair MINT Marketplace every spring. The MINT Marketplace 2020 will take place on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 15:00–18:00.
As last year, the MINT marketplace will not be held in B6 Building A, but in the new B6 building on the second floor.
The aim of the fair is to support students of Business Informatics, Business Mathematics and Data Science in establishing contacts with companies regarding internships, master theses and permanent positions. The MINT marketplace offers companies the opportunity to get to know future employees early on in their studies and to bind them to the company.
The following companies will present themselves at the Mint Marketplace 2020:
- BCG Gamma
- Camelot
- CyberForum
- d-fine
- Exa Deutschland
- INTER Versicherung
- Itego
- mayato
- Mercedes-Benz Bank
- MSW & Partner
- Porsche
- Roche
- Sovanta
- Stadt Mannheim
- Stocard
- Xenium
- zeb
Like last year, there will be a barbecue afterwards, starting at 6 pm, behind B6, organized by STADS and the Association for the Promotion of Mathematics and Computer Science in Mannheim. Food and drinks are free of charge.
Further information about the MINT marketplace can be found on the following page.