Open Position: Junior professorship (W1) AI methods

The University of Mannheim is known for its strong research in economics and social sciences with a focus on empirical research and quantitative methods. To support this methodological focus, research in Business Informatics in Mannheim has set the theme of “Managing large and complex data for business and society” as a priority in the previous structural and development plan and has significantly strengthened the area of data science and data analytics. The “Data and Web Science Research Group” at the Institute of Computer Science and Information Systems (IfI) currently consists of six chairs. The proposed junior professorship is intended to strengthen the IfI's links to Mannheim's business sciences and provide an attractive range of courses in the field of business process management with a focus on AI methods for the Information Systems and Data Science degree programs.
The future holder of the junior professorship is expected to develop AI methods for process analysis and management. We are therefore looking for candidates who are particularly qualified in one of the following areas, for example:
• AI methods in process management (e.g., large language models)
• Machine learning on process data
• Modeling and analysis of process models
• Process simulations with AI methods
Teaching experience and success in acquiring third-party funding are an advantage. The Institute of Informatics and Business Informatics is committed to promoting young academics. Almost all previous holders of a junior professorship at our institute are now full professors.
The post holder should gain further qualifications for the work as a university lecturer by independently performing research and teaching tasks in his/
The University of Mannheim attaches great importance to intensive student support and therefore expects lecturers to have a strong in-person presence at the university. To strengthen the university's integration into the regional environment, it is also assumed that the person to be appointed is prepared to live in the region.
The eligibility criteria are stipulated in section 51 (2) and (3) of the act on the higher education institutions in the Land of Baden-Württemberg (Landeshochschulgesetz, LHG). In addition to a completed higher education degree and proof of an outstanding doctorate, pedagogical aptitude as well as the qualification for assuming the position of junior professor, which is to be proven by additional scientific achievements, are expected. Provided that the general professional requirements are met, the successful applicant will be appointed as a civil servant for a fixed term of three years. Following a positive interim evaluation in accordance with the statutory provisions (see section 51 (7) and (8) LHG), the appointment can be extended to a total of six years. The University of Mannheim places great importance on comprehensive guidance of its students and therefore expects professors to be present at the university for their students. Moreover, the University of Mannheim expects the successful applicant to relocate to Mannheim or the greater area in order to become an active member of the university community. The University of Mannheim is committed to increasing the quota of women in research and teaching and thus actively encourages women with adequate qualifications to apply. Applicants with disabilities are treated with preference given comparable qualification.
Please submit your application including the relevant documents (cover letter, CV, list of publications, details on your teaching and research activities to date, teaching evaluations, your top three publications, copies of your certificates and academic records) and including the keyword “Methoden der KI” by mail or e-mail (pdf document(s)) to the Dean of the Faculty of Business Informatics and Business Mathematics, attn. Prof. Dr. Claus Hertling, University of Mannheim, B6, 26, 68131 Mannheim, e-mail: bewerbung.wim by 28 February 2025. If you have any questions about the position, please contact Prof. Dr. Simone Paolo Ponzetto ( uni-mannheim.deponzetto). If you apply by e-mail, please note that protection of confidential data cannot be guaranteed as unauthorized third parties could gain access to unencrypted e-mails during transmission. Please find detailed information on your rights regarding the collection of personal data according to article 13 of the uni-mannheim.deGeneral Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO) on our website.