Information for Prospective Students

What should I study? How do I find the right degree program? How can I finance my studies? The University of Mannheim assists prospective students as they consider pursuing an academic degree.


Find an overview of all bachelor’s and master’s programs offered at the School of Business Informatics and Mathematics.

Events for School Pupils

Find out more about Girls' Day, taster courses, uni for pupils, and our student information days.

Advisory Services

Our navigation tool will help you find the right advisor.

Application and Admission

A step-by-step guide to your online application. The Admissions Office can answer your questions about the application process.

Finance and Grants

Scholarships, jobs, or BAföG – find out more about the different ways to finance your studies.

Departmental Student Committee

What exactly does the departmental student committee do? How can I also get involved in improving study conditions or preparing the next Schneckenhof party? Find answers to your questions here.

Program Ambassadors

Our program ambassadors are students who are happy to answer any study-related questions you may have.

Das sandsteinfarbene Mannheimer Barockschloss mit Blick auf den Mittelbau bei strahlend blauem Himmel. Vereinzelt schlendern junge Menschen über das Kopfsteinpflaster auf dem Ehrenhof.
Living in Mannheim

Studying at a palace. Having barbecues by the river. Going for drinks in Jungbusch. Life in Mannheim is good.