Bachelor's Program in Business Informatics

General questions

  • How do I apply for the program?

    Find out everything you need to know about applying here.

  • What are the examination regulations, and why do I need to read them?

    The examination regulations of your program lay out the rights and obligations you have as a student of your program. They can be considered as the contractual basis for your studies at the University of Mannheim. We therefore advise you to read the examination regulations carefully before you begin your studies, and to watch out for any changes. You are not required to know the examination regulations by heart, but you should read them through at least once and be aware of the most important regulations.

  • Can I spend a semester abroad? How do I apply?

    You are not obliged to go abroad during your studies. However, we are happy to assist you if you wish to do so. Further information can be found under International.