
University of Mannheim Will Host Interdisciplinary Lecture Series “Data Science in Action”

In the fall semester, the Mannheim Center for Data Science (MCDS) and the European University ENGAGE.EU will host a lecture series on the broad spectrum of areas in which data science can be applied.

Two professors of the University of Mannheim, Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Chair of Artificial Intelligence, and Henning Hillmann, Chair of Economic and Organizational Sociology, organize the lecture series on “Data Science in Action”, which starts on 15 September. Each Thursday, one of twelve scientists will hold a 45-minutes lecture, in which they will report on their experience in the field of data science. 

Two professors of the Université Toulouse will be part of the series: Umberto Grandi will talk about “Computational social choice and algorithmic game theory” and Laurent Perrussel about “Automated mechanism design”.  Université Toulouse is an ENGAGE.EU partner university of the University of Mannheim. Dirk Ifenthaler, Florian Stahl and Moritz Fleischmann, professors at the Business School of the University of Mannheim, will provide insights into learning analytics, data-driven supply chain planning and using computer vision in advertising. With Richard Traunmüller, Georg Alpers, and Florian Keusch, professors of Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology will also be part of the lecture series. Simone Ponzetto and Heiko Paulheim from the School of Business Informatics and Mathematics at the University of Mannheim will explain the role of knowledge graphs in modern AI systems. As professor of Data Science in the Economic and Social Sciences, Markus Strohmaier represents the interdisciplinarity of data science at the University of Mannheim. He will present his research on “Bias in social media”. Hartmut Wessler, professor at the Institute for Media and Communication Studies, and Andreas Witt, professor at the Leibniz Institut für Deutsche Sprache, will show that data science is also important in the Humanities.

The lecture series, which will start on 15 September 2022, will take place every Thursday, from noon until 1.30 pm. It will be hosted online on Zoom and will be held in English. We will announce the exact dates and topics in due time. Master’s students, doctoral students, and students in the ENGAGE.EU program are welcome to join. Doctoral students of the Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences (GESS) will also have the option to integrate the lecture series as “bridge course” with 5 ECTS into their degree plan.

Please register on the MCDS website. We will send the Zoom link and the final syllabus to all registered participants before the lecture series starts.
