Seminar Mathematical Optimization (4 ECTS)
für Master Wirtschaftsmathematik
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Claudia Schillings
Wednesday, 12:00 – 13:30 h.
To register for the seminar, please send an email to c.schillings(at)
The first meeting will take place on Wednesday, 3.3.201, 12:00 h, via zoom (see Portal2 for the zoom-link). The seminar will be an online reading group on inverse problems based on lecture notes by Daniel Sanz-Alonso, Andrew M. Stuart and Armeen Taeb. We will meet via zoom for an hour once per week (see Portal2 for the zoom link). Each week we will have a person designated to lead the discussion and prepare a little bit of material (e.g., slides) to move the discussion along. The schedule will be discussed at our first meeting.