Workshop SPP-2410: Nonlocal Modelling in Fluidmechanical Applications
The SPP-2410 workshop will bring together an interdisciplinary group of researchers working in different areas of nonlocal aspects of fluidmechanical applications including gas dynamics, systems biology, traffic flow, and related topics. The goal is to stimulate fruitful discussions, exchange ideas, and elaborate future research directions.
►There will be also a poster session for PhD students and PostDocs to feature their research. Contributions of finished and/
Date: September 2 (midday) through September 4 (afternoon), 2024
Location: University of Mannheim B6, 27–28, Part D, Room D 007 and D 002, Germany
More Information: Current Program
Invited Speakers:
♦ Fabio Ancona (University of Padova)
♦ Raimund Bürger (Universidad de Concepción)
♦ Gianluca Crippa (University of Basel)
♦ Nicola De Nitti (EPFL Lausanne)
♦ Jan Friedrich (RWTH Aachen)
♦ Mauro Garavello (University of Milano Bicocca)
♦ Jan Giesselmann (TU Darmstadt)
♦ Paola Goatin (INRIA Sophia Antipolis)
♦ Kuang Huang (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
♦ Alexander Keimer (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)
♦ Niklas Kolbe (RWTH Aachen)
♦ Andrea Tosin (Politecnico di Torino)
If you want to attend the workshop, please send an email to the secretary Sabine Braak with the subject “Workshop SPP2410 Mannheim” in order to register until 15th of July 2024 . Please indicate if you plan to present a poster.
We recommend the Motel ONE in Mannheim.
- Rinaldo Colombo (University of Brescia)
- Simone Göttlich (University of Mannheim)
- Michael Herty (RWTH Aachen)
Contact: Sabine Braak, email: braak@uni-mannheim.de, phone: +49 621 181-2540