
Prof. Dr. Simone Göttlich

Prof. Dr. Simone Göttlich

Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
Head of Group
University of Mannheim
B6, 28–29 – Room C311
68159 Mannheim
Sabine Braak

Sabine Braak

University of Mannheim
B6, 28–29 – Room C 312
68159 Mannheim
Office hours:
Mon-Wed 9:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m.
Bianca Lermer

Bianca Lermer

University of Mannheim
B6, 28–29 – Room C 409
68159 Mannheim
Office hours:
Di – DO 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 a.m.
Jürgen Jaap

Jürgen Jaap

Technical Support
University of Mannheim
B6, 28–29 – Room C 308
68159 Mannheim
Thomas Schillinger, M.Sc.

Thomas Schillinger, M.Sc.

PhD Student
University of Mannheim
B6, 28–29 – Room C310
68159 Mannheim
Alena Ulke, M.Sc.

Alena Ulke, M.Sc.

University of Mannheim
B6, 28–29 – Room C309
68159 Mannheim
Lukas Wolff, M.Sc.

Lukas Wolff, M.Sc.

PhD Student
University of Mannheim
B6, 28–29 – Room C303
68159 Mannheim
Jacob Heieck, M.Sc.

Jacob Heieck, M.Sc.

PhD Student
University of Mannheim
B6, 28–29 – Room C305
68159 Mannheim
Fabian Ziegler, M.Sc.

Fabian Ziegler, M.Sc.

PhD Student
University of Mannheim
B6 – Room C 304
68159 Mannheim