Short CV:
- since 01/
2023: Research Assistant, School of Business and Mathematics, University of Mannheim; Project: Erweiterung des Multi-Skalen-Netzwerk-Modells zur virtuellen Inbetriebnahme komplexer Materialflusssysteme (FlowVC), DFG. - 01/
2021–09/2022: Research Assistant, Department Data Science, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg; Project: Random batch methods for optimal control of network dynamics, Subproject C07 of TRR154 of the DFG. - 02/
2021: M.Sc. in Mathematics, TU Berlin - 09/
2018–01/2019: Erasmus stay at Université Grenoble-Alpes, France - 06/
2018: B.Sc. in Mathematics, TU Berlin - 09/
2016–06/2017: Erasmus stay at Durham University, UK - 10/
2014–02/2021: Studies in Mathematics, TU Berlin - 07/
2014: Graduated from Eckener Gymnasium Berlin (Abitur)
Conferences and Workshops:
- IX Partial differential equations, optimal design and numerics, August 2022, Benasque;
Talk: Domain Decomposition Methods in Gradient Descent Prodcedures for Optimal Control Problems - French German Portugese Conference on Optimization 2022, May 2022, Porto;
Talk: Stochastic Gradient Descent for Optimal Control Problems using Domain Decomposition