Prof. Dr. Simone Göttlich

Prof. Dr. Simone Göttlich

Room C 311
Tel.: +49 621 181 2438

Research Interests

  • Multiscale Modeling: from Particles to Continuum Dynamics
  • Numerical Simulation and Data-Driven Approaches
  • Control and Optimization

Short CV

  • since 2024: Director of the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Mannheim
  • since 2021: Editorial Board Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung
  • 2019–2023: Elected member of the Senate of the University of Mannheim
  • since 2014: Elected member of the School Council (WIM), University of Mannheim
  • 2012–2015: Equal opportunities commissioner of the University of Mannheim
  • since 2011: Full Professor (W3) at School of Business Informatics and Mathematics (WIM), University of Mannheim
  • 2011: Habilitation in Mathematics, TU Kaiserslautern
  • 2009–2011: Akademischer Rat auf Zeit (former C1 Assistant Professor) at Dept. of Mathematics, TU Kaiserslautern
  • 2007: PhD in Mathematics with Prof. Axel Klar and Prof. Christian Ringhofer, TU Kaiserslautern
  • 2004–2009: Research Assistant at Dept. of Mathematics, TU Kaiserslautern
  • 2004: Research Assistant at Dept. of Mathematics, TU Darmstadt
  • 2003: Diploma in Mathematics with Prof. Axel Klar, TU Darmstadt
  • 1999-2003: Studies in Mathematics with focus on Economics, TU Darmstadt

Research stays abroad within the international programs of DAAD: Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse, France), Arizona State University (Phoenix, USA), Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh, UK), INRIA Sophia Antipolis – Méditerranée (Nice, France). 

Supervising: 79 completed Bachelor theses, 48 completed Master theses, 17 completed PhD dissertations (see also Mathematics Genealogy Project)

Funded Research Projects: see Projects

Short publication list: 2 Books, 94 refereed journal articles, more than 40 conference items and book sections


See also  MathSciNet  ORCID  zbMATH   Google Scholar  ResearchGate  arXiv  DBLP

Recent Work/Preprints

  1. S. Göttlich, J. Heieck, A. Neuenkirch – Using Low-Discrepancy Points for Data Compression in Machine Learning: An Experimental Comparison – arXiv preprint, July 2024.
  2. T. Böhme, S. Göttlich, A. Neuenkirch – A nonlocal traffic flow model with stochastic velocity - arXiv preprint, July 2024.
  3. S. Göttlich, M. Schaller, K. Worthmann – Perturbations in PDE-constrained optimal control decay exponentially in space – arXiv preprint, March 2024.
  4. S. Göttlich, P. Mehlitz, T. Schillinger – Inverse demand tracking in transportation networks – arXiv preprint, July 2023.
  5. S. Göttlich, T. Schillinger – Data-inspired modeling of accidents in traffic flow networks – arXiv preprint, May 2023.
  6. S. Göttlich, T. Schillinger – Stochastic optimal control for nonlinear damped network dynamics – arXiv preprint, February 2022.
  7. E. Fokken, S. Göttlich – On the relation of powerflow and Telegrapher's equations: continuous and numerical Lyapunov stability – arXiv preprint, January 2021.

Accepted Journal Publications/Proceedings/Book Chapters (listed in MADOC)

  1. A. Festa, S. Göttlich, M. Ricciardi – Forward-Forward Mean Field Games in mathematical modeling with application to opinion formation and voting models – accepted to Dynamic Games and Applications, July 2024.
  2. S. Göttlich, M. Herty, A. Ulke – Speed limits in traffic emission models using multi-objective optimization – Optimization and Engineering (OPTE),, 2024.
  3. L. Chen, S. Göttlich, N. Zamponi – Connection between a degenerate particle flow model and a free boundary problem – accepted to Communications in Mathematical Sciences (CMS), May 2024.
  4. F. Chiarello, J. Friedrich, S. Göttlich – A non-local traffic flow model for 1-to-1 junctions with buffer – accepted to Networks and Heterogeneous Media (NHM), April 2024.
  5. S. Göttlich, S. Hoher, A. Verl, J. Weißen, A. Kienzlen – Materialflusssimulation für die Virtuelle Inbetriebnahme in Steuerungsechtzeit –  In: A. Verl, S. Röck, C. Scheifele (Eds.): Echtzeitsimulation in der Produktionsautomatisierung, Springer Vieweg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2024.
  6. F. Chiarello, S. Göttlich, T. Schillinger, A. Tosin – Hydrodynamic traffic flow models including random accidents: A kinetic derivation – Communications in Mathematical Sciences (CMS), Vol. 22(3), pp. 845–870, 2024.
  7. J. Friedrich, S. Göttlich, A. Keimer, L. Pflug – Conservation laws with nonlocal velocity: the singular limit problem – SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics (SIAP), Vol. 84(2), pp. 497–522, 2024.
  8. J. Friedrich, S. Göttlich, A. Keimer, L. Pflug – Conservation laws with nonlocality in density and velocity and their applicability in traffic flow modelling – accepted to HYP Proceedings, May 2023.
  9. A. Würth, M. Binois, P. Goatin, S. Göttlich – Data driven uncetainty quantification in macroscopic traffic flow models – Advances in Computational Mathematics, 48, 75,, 2022.
  10. J. Friedrich, S. Göttlich, A. Uphoff – Conservation laws with discontinuous flux function on networks: a splitting algorithm – Networks and Heterogeneous Media (NHM), Vol. 18(1), pp. 1–28, 2023.