Room C 309 Tel.: +49 621 181 2466 E-Mail:
Research Interests
Conservations laws on networks and applications
Numerical analysis of PDEs
Multi-objective optimization and optimal control
Short CV:
since 02/2023: Research Assistant, School of Business and Mathematics, University of Mannheim
10/2020 – 01/2023: Master of Science in Mathematics (Subsidiary Subject Computer Science) at RWTH Aachen University, Thesis Title: Traffic Emission Models: Simulation and Optimization
10/2021- 03/2022: Student Research Assistant at IGPM, RWTH Aachen University, Focus: Development of a model describing volatile energy markets as a bilevel optimization problem
04/2020 – 03/2022: Student Research Assistant at IGPM, RWTH Aachen University, Focus: Implementation of code (in C++) for a scientific software library for low-rank tensor formats
10/2016 – 09/2020: Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (Subsidiary Subject Physics) at RWTH Aachen University, Thesis Title: Iterative Solvers with Truncation in Low-Rank Tensor Formats
Speaker at the Franco-German Interdisciplinary Workshop on Pedestrian Dynamics and Urban Mobility (PEDUM) in Wuppertal, June 2024; Talk: Multi-Objective Optimization in Traffic Emission Modeling
Participant in the Women in Optimization (WiO) Workshop in Erlangen, April 2024; Poster: Modeling and Simulation of Coupled Natural Gas-Hydrogen Networks
Speaker at the European Conference on Computational Optimization (EUCCO) in Heidelberg, September 2023; Talk: Multi-Objective Optimization in Traffic Emission Modeling
Speaker at the 16th Hirschegg Workshop on Conservation Laws in Hirschegg, September 2023; Talk: Traffic Emission Models with Variable Speed Limits
Participant in the 8th GAMM Juniors Summer School on Scientific Machine Learning in Hannover, July/August 2023
Participant in the Women in Optimization (WiO) Workshop in Berlin, June 2022
FSS 2024
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (Exercises)
HWS 2023
Numerics (Exercises)
FSS 2023
Analysis for Buisness Informatics (Exercises)
Supervision of a Master Seminar
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