Short CV:
- since 02/
2023: Research Assistant, School of Business and Mathematics, University of Mannheim - 10/
2020 – 01/ 2023: Master of Science in Mathematics (Subsidiary Subject Computer Science) at RWTH Aachen University, Thesis Title: Traffic Emission Models: Simulation and Optimization - 10/
2021- 03/ 2022: Student Research Assistant at IGPM, RWTH Aachen University, Focus: Development of a model describing volatile energy markets as a bilevel optimization problem - 04/
2020 – 03/ 2022: Student Research Assistant at IGPM, RWTH Aachen University, Focus: Implementation of code (in C++) for a scientific software library for low-rank tensor formats - 10/
2016 – 09/ 2020: Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (Subsidiary Subject Physics) at RWTH Aachen University, Thesis Title: Iterative Solvers with Truncation in Low-Rank Tensor Formats
- S. Göttlich, M. Schuster, A. Ulke – Steady State Blended Gas Flow on Networks: Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions, arXiv, submitted (2024)
- S. Göttlich, M.Herty, A.Ulke – Speed limits in traffic emission models using multi-objective optimization, Optimization and Engineering (2024)
- A. Thünen, A. Ulke – A Continuous Model for Demand-Side Management in an Aggregator Model in Electricity Markets, PAMM Volume 22 (2023)
Conferences and Workshops
- Participant at the Mathematics of Gas Transport and Energy (MOG 2024) Conference in Regensburg, October 2024; Poster: Coupled Natural Gas-Hydrogen Networks: Modeling and Optimization
- Speaker at the Franco-German Interdisciplinary Workshop on Pedestrian Dynamics and Urban Mobility (PEDUM) in Wuppertal, June 2024; Talk: Multi-Objective Optimization in Traffic Emission Modeling
- Participant in the Women in Optimization (WiO) Workshop in Erlangen, April 2024; Poster: Modeling and Simulation of Coupled Natural Gas-Hydrogen Networks
- Speaker at the European Conference on Computational Optimization (EUCCO) in Heidelberg, September 2023; Talk: Multi-Objective Optimization in Traffic Emission Modeling
- Speaker at the 16th Hirschegg Workshop on Conservation Laws in Hirschegg, September 2023; Talk: Traffic Emission Models with Variable Speed Limits
- Participant in the 8th GAMM Juniors Summer School on Scientific Machine Learning in Hannover, July/
August 2023 - Participant in the Women in Optimization (WiO) Workshop in Berlin, June 2022
HWS 2024
- Numerics (Exercises and Substitute Lecturer)
FSS 2024
- Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (Exercises)
HWS 2023
- Numerics (Exercises)
FSS 2023
- Analysis for Buisness Informatics (Exercises)
- Supervision of a Master Seminar