Cryptography II
CS 651 | English
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No Prerequisites
Even though the lecture deepens and continues topics discussed in Cryptography I, it is not a prerequisite to have attended this lecture. The lecture Cryptography II can be studied without any prior knowledge on cryptography – all necessary basics are shortly recapitulated.
The goal of this lecture is to present and discuss important scientific concepts from modern cryptography. This includes
- Security Definitions: How can the security of cryptographic schemes formally defined?
- Proofs of Security: How can the security of cryptographic schemes be proven (based on precise assumptions)?
- Cryptanalysis: What are the established techniques to analyze cryptographic mechanisms?
- Elliptic Curves
- Zero-Knowledge Proofs
After the lecture, the students should understand relevant scientifc concepts of cryptography and be ready to read state-of-the-art research literature.
Cryptography II will take place as an inverted lecture. This means that the lecture itself has been pre-recorded and the videos are made available. On a weekly basis, there will be an offline meeting where the content will be discussed and questions will be clarified. Moreover, we will discuss some further issues and tasks then. The videos and slides are available in ILIAS.
Dates: see Portal