
Prof. Dr. Frederik Armknecht

Prof. Dr. Frederik Armknecht

Chair of Practical Computer Science IV: Dependable Systems Engineering
University of Mannheim
School of Business Informatics and Mathematics
B 6, 26 – Room B 2.09
68159 Mannheim
Prof. Dr. Matthias Krause

Prof. Dr. Matthias Krause

Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Informatik
University of Mannheim
Fakultät für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Wirtschaftsmathematik
B 6, 26 – Room B 2.02
68159 Mannheim
Phone: +49 621 181-2670
Fax: +49 621 181-3456


Gabi Atkinson

Gabi Atkinson (she/her)

Team Assistant Chair of Practical Computer Science IV
University of Mannheim
School of Business Informatics and Mathematics
B6, 26 – Room B 2.10
68159 Mannheim
Office hours:
On Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9–12 h.
Wednesdays from 13:30–17 h,
Homeoffice: Mondays and Fridays
Karin Teynor

Karin Teynor

Secretary Chair of Theoretical Computer Science
University of Mannheim
School of Business Informatics and Mathematics
B6, 26 – Room B 2.03
68159 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
Mon–Fri 9.30 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Philipp Schaber, Dipl.-Inf.

Philipp Schaber, Dipl.-Inf. (he/him)

IT Systems Engineer
University of Mannheim
School of Business Informatics and Mathematics
B 6, 26
B6, 26 – Room B 2.20
68159 Mannheim

Academic Staff

Christian Müller

Christian Müller

PhD Student @Chair of Practical Computer Science IV
University of Mannheim
School of Business Informatics and Mathematics
B6, 26 – Room B 2.07
68159 Mannheim
Jasmin Zalonis

Jasmin Zalonis

PhD Student
University of Mannheim
School of Business Informatics and Mathematics
B6, 26 – Room B2.22
68159 Mannheim
Jochen Schäfer

Jochen Schäfer (he/him)

PhD Student
University of Mannheim
School of Business Informatics and Mathematics
B6, 26 – Room B2.18
68159 Mannheim
Linda Scheu-Hachtel

Linda Scheu-Hachtel

PhD Student
University of Mannheim
School of Business Informatics and Mathematics
B6, 26 – Room B 2.05
68159 Mannheim
Dr. Vasily Mikhalev

Dr. Vasily Mikhalev

University of Mannheim
School of Business Informatics and Mathematics
B6, 26
68159 Mannheim
Youzhe Heng

Youzhe Heng

PhD Student
University of Mannheim
School of Business Informatics and Mathematics
B6, 26 – Room B2.18
68159 Mannheim
Yves T. Staudenmaier

Yves T. Staudenmaier (he/him)

PhD Candidate @ Chair of Practical Computer Science IV
University of Mannheim
School of Business Informatics and Mathematics
B 6, 26 – Room B2.21
68159 Mannheim


Dr. Alexander Moch

Dr. Alexander Moch

Joined THALES Deutschland GmbH in September 2024.


Dr. Matthias Hamann

Dr. Matthias Hamann

Joined ERNW Research GmbH in July 2021.

Weitere ehemalige wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter

  • Christian Gorke (geb. Reuter)
  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Lucks
  • Dr. Vasily Mikhalev
  • Dr. Tobias Polzin
  • Dr. Dirk Stegemann
  • Dr. Emin Islam Tatli
  • Dr. Siavash Vahdati Daneshmand
  • Dr. Angela Wiesberg (geb. Jäschke)
  • Prof. Dr. Erik Zenner

Ehemalige Gäste

  • Martin Strand, NTU Trondheim, Norwegen – Aug.-Dez. 2015
  • Prof. Dr. Zhi Guan, Peking University, Beijing, China, Jan.-Dez. 2016