Research Datasets
Whenever possible, we make the datasets from our research available for download here. Please note that these are not necessarily the complete original data. For data protection reasons, individual datasets may be pseudonymized and/
If you like me, please don't “like” me
This is the dataset used in the Paper “If you like me, please don't 'like' me”, as submitted to PETS 2022.
Please note: Due to privacy concerns, the publicly available data has been subset and pseudonymized. For the same reason, we do not provide any source code. We may share additional data as well as the source code with other researchers for scientific purposes. If you need access, please send an E-Mail to the main author and make sure to include:
- Your current affiliation
- What information you need and what research question you intend to answer with it
- A description of how you plan to ensure the privacy of the individuals included in the dataset
- The potential ethical implications of your work and how they will be addressed
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