Interested in writing a bachelor or master thesis with the Chair in Applied Analysis? Find out more about prerequisites and stages of research and writing on this page.
Bachelor thesis
Stages | Required | Recommended |
1 | Dynamische Systeme | Advanced analysis or Numerik gewöhnlicher DGL |
2 | Seminar: Application of Mathematical Analysis | Introduction to PDEs |
3 | Working on thesis |
Master thesis
Stages | Required | Recommended |
1 | Introduction to PDEs or Asymptotic Analysis | Numerik gewöhnlicher DGL |
2 | Partielle Differentialgleichungen or Advanced Analysis | Numerik partieller DGL |
3 | Seminar: Kinetic models (or Diffusion Equations) | Research seminar: Applied analysis |
4 | Working on thesis with chosen topics |
- Population dynamics (Seminar: Application of mathematical analysis or Diffusion equations)
- Complex systems and their mean field limits (Seminar: Kinetic models)
- Inequalities