
Interested in writing a bachelor or master thesis with the Chair in Applied Analysis? Find out more about prerequisites and stages of research and writing on this page.

Bachelor thesis

Stages RequiredRecommended
1Dynamische SystemeAdvanced analysis or Numerik gewöhnlicher DGL
2Seminar: Application of Mathematical AnalysisIntroduction to PDEs
3Working on thesis 

Master thesis

Stages RequiredRecommended
1Introduction to PDEs or Asymptotic AnalysisNumerik gewöhnlicher DGL
2Partielle Differentialgleichungen or Advanced AnalysisNumerik partieller DGL
3Seminar: Kinetic models (or Diffusion Equations) Research seminar: Applied analysis
4Working on thesis with chosen topics 


  • Population dynamics (Seminar: Application of mathematical analysis or Diffusion equations)
  • Complex systems and their mean field limits (Seminar: Kinetic models)
  • Inequalities