Advanced Topics in Mathematical Finance (MAC 557)

  • General Information

    Welcome to the webpage of the course Advanced Topics in Mathematical Finance. The course will take place in person at the university, but the lecture notes and problem sheets are available online. The course will cover the following topics:

    • no arbitrage theory in continuous time
    • market completeness
    • Black-Scholes model (hedging/pricing of vanilla and exotic options)
    • volatility models (stochastic and local volatility)
    • optimal investments and basics of stochastic optimal control
    • term structure theory for interest rates

    Please sign up for the ILIAS group of the course, since all information and material for the course will be posted there. Note that the course takes place in the first half of the semester.

  • Team

    Lecturer: Prof. Dr. David Prömel

    Tutor: Martin Bergerhausen