All bachelor theses in the spring semester (FSS 2025) will start on 01.03.2025 and finish on 02.06.2025. No theses will be graded, or certified as being sufficient for a passing grade, before the submisson deadline (02.06.2025). Suggested topics for doing a bachelor thesis in our group in FSS 2025 can be found in the BachelorThesisTopics-FSS25 document in the Dateien folder of the Ilias group Bachelor Thesis [Sond] [1. PG] (FSS 2025) and the requirements/
To apply for a place, please join the aforementioned Ilias group and complete the Apply for a Thesis Place in FSS 25 task by the deadline of 20.10.2024. To complete this task, please upload the following information in a SINGLE pdf document –
All master theses in the spring semester (FSS 2025) will start on 01.02.2025 and finish on 31.07.2025. No theses will be graded, or certified as being sufficient for a passing grade, before the submisson deadline (31.07.2025). Suggested topics for doing a master thesis in our group in FFS 25 can be found in the MasterThesesTopics-FSS25 document in the Dateien folder of the Ilias group Master Thesis [Sond] [1. PG] (FSS 2025), and the requirements/
To apply for a place, please join the aforementioned Ilias group and complete the Apply for a Thesis Place task by the deadline of 20.10.2024. To complete this task, please upload the following information in a SINGLE pdf document –