
  • Applying for HWS 2025

    All bachelor theses in the spring semester (HWS 2025) will start on 01.09.2025 and finish on 01.12.2025.  No theses will be graded, or certified as being sufficient for a passing grade, before the submisson deadline (01.12.2025). Suggested topics for doing a bachelor thesis in our group in HWS 2025 can be found in the BachelorThesisTopics-HWS25 document in the Dateien folder of the Ilias group Bachelor Thesis [Sond] [1. PG] (HWS 2025) and the requirements/guidelines are described in the file BachelorThesisTemplate&Instructions document.

    To apply for a place, please join the aforementioned Ilias group and complete the Apply for a Thesis Place in HWS 25 task by the deadline of 13.04.2025. To complete this task, please upload the following information in a SINGLE pdf document –

    1. curriculum vitae,
    2. transcript of records,
    3. a list of all courses you are taking in the FSS25 semester,
    4. a short application letter indicating what topic(s) you would like to do. If it is your own topic you need to provide a title and a short descriptive abstract.


  • Applying for HWS 2025

    All master theses in the spring semester (HWS 2025) will start on 01.08.2025 and finish on 02.02.2026.  No theses will be graded, or certified as being sufficient for a passing grade, before the submisson deadline (02.02.2026). Suggested topics for doing a master thesis in our group in HWS 2025 can be found in the MasterThesesTopics-HWS25 document in the Dateien folder of the Ilias group Master Thesis [Sond] [1. PG] (HWS 2025), and the requirements/guidelines are described in the file MasterThesisTemplate&Instructions document.

    To apply for a place, please join the aforementioned Ilias group and complete the Apply for a Thesis Place task by the deadline of 13.04.2025. To complete this task, please upload the following information in a SINGLE pdf document –

    1. curriculum vitae,
    2. transcript of records,
    3. a list of all courses you are taking in the FSS 2025 semester,
    4. a short application letter indicating what topic(s) you would like to do. If it is your own topic you need to provide a title and a short descriptive abstract.